agenda (1)

First off, let’s make sure we all agree on what a Communist is, in reference to the topic of Default Residential Real Estate only. Communism is egalitarian or has a political doctrine based on the idea that all people are equal and have all the same rights or in other words, believes that all economic inequalities should be removed from society. Now, understand that I do a lot of default counseling. I see 3-5 people a week, on average that are in some sort of default with their home. Here lately, it seems that more often than not, I am visiting homes where owners are 5, 6, 7, 8 or more months in default but, the foreclosure auction hasn’t even been scheduled. This seems a bit odd to me because I can’t remember a period in history when homeowners in default were given so much time before the bank foreclosed. My realization that it seemed banks were holding on to more and more of this default inventory unsettled me because I didn’t understand why. Why would a bank continue to loose money on a non performing asset? This was crazy to me…..foreclose, force evict if necessary, sell the asset, recoup what you can, write off the balance and allow capitalism to work however, this isn’t happening. Here lately, I have been hearing a lot of buzz about America’s shadow inventory of REOs and I have to admit, it seems very possible that his “shadow inventory” is much more than a conspiracy theory but possibly a concept designed to purposely create a economic disaster of unprecedented proportions that would allow the government to take over wall street in the name of “Saving the Country” from financial ruin. Carlos Silva, here on REOPro wrote a great blog titled, “Why you won’t see a Tusnamie of REOs” and here is the link, I challenge you to read his blog and then ask, why? Was the passing of the Community Revitalization Act along with the formation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as the key de-regulation of lending guidelines all framework to set up a disaster in this country that would usher in a Communist / Socialist revolution that would change the fabric of this country? I really don’t have answers to these questions but, I do know this. TARP…not working, it’s keeping people in homes, yes..but, these people can’t afford these homes anyways so, why are we (tax payers) shelling out billions just to see these people go back into default 3-5 months later? Is this a Communist agenda to force egalitarianism on us, the American People? Stand up, question boldly and hang on to the truth.
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