Are We Falling Apart?

Are We Falling Apart? (edit/delete)

Is it just me or are we as Americans falling apart?  I've noticed a trend on TV lately that has me a little worried.  Let me give you an example.  There is a commercial of a middle-aged lady who can't find her car in a parking lot because she can't remember where she parked it.  Been there, how about you?  ar130446270467597.jpgFortunately for her there is a wonderful company that has created a miniature digital recorder she can carry on her key-chain, and if she remembers to record her location before she leaves her car, bingo!  Problem solved.

In another commercial, I saw that same lady, but this time she couldn't hear.  In this commercial she got another small device, I believe it was called "Loud and Clear,” that helped her listen to her pastor, and birds and even her TV while her husband sleeps soundly beside her.  It looks a lot like a cell phone wireless earpiece.  So it blends right in, in bed.   I did find it a little strange in the same commercial that the same lady was walking around in the woods looking at nature while a guy is hunting nearby who also can't hear without the device.  That really seemed like a scenario for disaster, but I digress.

It didn't stop there.  The same lady shows up in another commercial unable to
ar13044633440283.jpgcut paper on a straight line.  She was so bad with scissors that she had to be isolated in a separate room on craft day.  So, some brilliant company created a cutter just for her.   So now, she can find, hear and join the happy crafters on craft day.  Oh, but her tale of needs weren’t over yet.  She eventually she took to farming.  Yep!  She's growing tomatoes.  Upside-down!  On the porch.  But, here again, she doesn’t know how to water them.  So, another clever company made a ball with a spike attached that automatically keeps her tomatoes watered.  And, if you’re horticulturally challenged, this is your ticket!

Her life is obviously full of challenges because eventually she started having trouble getting out the car that she can't always find without her little digital recorder.  Another entrepreneurial sort inventor created a little round swivel block that gives her the ability to rotate on her seat and out the door she goes.  Best of all, she never wrinkles her slacks.

Just when you think technology has done just about everything they can for her
ar130446302471601.jpgshe realizes she can't sit on the sofa and watch her favorite movie without having body parts exposed to the elements.  What woman likes cold toes?  Or, if her toes are warm toes her shoulders are cold.  So, Snuggie created the ultimate comfort item for her, a human sized fleece bag.  Now, she's nice and toasty.

I have a feeling one of these nights I'm going to see her snuggled up on the sofa staring at her favorite show, and then the announcer will break in and tell the consumer that she would enjoy her favorite show more if she could hear it.  But, she forgot her little digital hearing device that she was wearing at her craft class.  If she could just remember that she got two little digital hearing devices for just $19.95 because they doubled her order when she called right away.  But all is not lost.  She can rotate off the sofa, find the zipper on her Snuggie she can use her new cutting tool to slice her tomatoes and have a nice snack while she looks for her extra hearing device she got with separate shipping.  Like I said, I’m a little worried about us as a country, but I do see a lot of opportunities for witty inventors on the horizon. 


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  • Too funny, C.J.  Thanks for reading and commenting!!
  • Great post.  It's all about marketing and what channel you watch.  Advertisters target their audience.  Maybe you should switch to MTV (;  Funny thing is that all our Associations, State and National, are telling us that Baby Boomers are over and we better get our Gen X-Y Millenial act together or we will all be out of business soon.  Facebook and Twitter have changed us forever.  P.S. I wrote this on my laptop at 6:30 in the morning sitting on the sofa watching Fox news wrapped up neatly in my Snuggie listening to the spokesman for the Jitterbug Phone with "easy to read" extra large numbers.  
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