Lazy, good-for-nuthin' REO agents

I got a request to do an interior BPO for a house in my service area. D'oh, another listing that wasn't assigned to me. No worries, I really can't complain, I'm busy enough. So I call up the agent and say hey, I want to get in there, what's the combo box code?He says, "I don't know. You know, I don't really work in that area, it's a bit far for me, so I'm having a local agent I work with there put the lockbox on and he's working on getting it trashed out."Ahem. I know the local agent, I'm in an escrow with him now at the moment actually. He's not even with the listing agent's brokerage (the local guy has got his own brokerage).I don't know, that just doesn't seem right. What do you think? I think if you cannot service your own listing personally, which the client has entrusted you with, then you probably shouldn't accept the listing and allow another agent who (like me!) who does personally service his listings to get the job.
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  • I guess that is a trend. There is a listing in my area and the listing agent is 450 miles away. You are right how these banks decide to give them listings.
  • Yeah, in this case, it's really not that far away - I'm thinking 30-45 minutes. It's a semi-rural area, basically swathes of farmland separate this area from the agent's area.
  • I wish banks would break out their Maps and look where they are assigning these properties to the distance of the agent. In my area, I have people in different counties servicing my local area!! Furthermore, they have multiple listings! I can't see how they can service the marketing of that home in another county :-( ok rant off...
  • WOW! This is soooooo unprofessional on sooooo many different levels, it's not even funny. Agent # 1, the one with the listing, has an agency agreement with the Lender / Bank therefore in my humble opinion, if he can't work the listing because it's not in his service area. Then he needs to redefine his service area with the Bank / Lender he is working with. Granted, I don't have a problem with sub-agency however, does the Bank / Lender know that this is taking place? If not, then this shouldn't be happening and I bet, if the Bank / Lender was to ever find out, this guy could loose this Bank / Lender as a client. Bad Agent, BAD!
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