Trustee Sales emerging strong

As many of you know Trustee Auction Sales are beginning to dominate the real estate landscape in those states that use trustees. In California, sales at the trustee auction are up nearly 400% compared to this time last year. In Clark County, NV (Las Vegas) more investors are buying properties at the trustee auction than through the MLS. The deals at these auctions are usually better than an REO or short sale purchase and the abilty to walk away with several properties quickly is very appealing to investors.
Here at eBrokerHouse we have been hearing this from our broker/agent members for several months now, so we have been working hard on a Trustee Sale management solution for both investors and brokers/agents with investor clients. The web based system we developed will give you brokers/agents the ability to offer your investor clients a huge advantage over the competition at the auction. If you are an agent in a trustee sale market and you are not versed in trustee sales and working with investors in this arena, you are missing out on a lot of business. At first glance these sales can seem overwhelming especially with property and opening bid information spread out amongst so many different loacations. One great advantage of our system is that it puts all the important information you need to make smart and quick investing decisions in one easy to manage system and you get all this information in real time. Imagine knowing an opening bid hours before your compeition and being able to do your homework and make a smart investing decision.
We just released this management software yesterday for the Clark County, NV trustee auction. We will be launching throughout California, and other majort Trustee sale markets across the US over the next few weeks. The release of our software was announced yesterday via a featured article on Here is a link:

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  • Thomas, thanks for the TOUR of your new Rapid Trustee Sale system and the updated eBrokerHouse features! I'm very impressed and I know that many investors clamor for this type of data management system. A home-run hit right out of the gate!! ~ Regina Brown
  • This sounds wonderful! I would love some more info. Thanks a bunch!
  • Sounds great Thomas, this has been something that I want to get involved with but have no experience. Can you

    suggest some sort of pay for training or mentor program. I am located in Northern California in the East Bay. When
    will your system be active for California?
    • Thanks for the interest Greg! We will be in CA within a few weeks. I can give you a rundown of what we have working here and it will give you a great idea on how you can use this valuable data. I will send you an email just to make sure that you have my personal info. Call me anytime.
      • Would like to work with you also.
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