Hi,I'm new to this site, but old in the real estate business!I've been a Area Manager for Titanium Solutions for almost 7 years and it's The Place To Be if you are interested in doing Loss Mitigation, BPOs or REO assignments. We get these directly from the lenders and all are directed to our Home Retention consultants. Lenders pay you or every assignment you complete and also offer many REO Listings. Need information on how to join? Contact Karen Knight at kknight@titaniuminc.com. I'm looking to hire 12 new experienced Realtors in Arizona.
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Wondering if it's the same offering I had received from a previous source a few months ago as there is not too many parcels of that size in the same vicinity. Were you marketing the property with DLG/Barry Brooksby? I was formerly the Mexico marketing executive with them and thought we were marketing that property. Believe we might have some investors in our investment group with appetite for land. Please email the information to VegasLos@gmail.com and let me know if there are any other investments you are thinking about liquidating. Will do my best to help you sell them to help with your treatment!
Have given your email to some of my Phoenix, AZ colleagues.
Karen Knight > Carlos H. Silva Sr.January 31, 2009 at 6:10pm
Hi Again Carlos,
The property is in Utah and is marketed through Real Estate Exchange. It was written up in the Sunset Magazine and also Invision Utah. It's so beautiful that it breaks my heart to let it go, but I'll at least have more when it finally sells. I really think it's the kind of property that needs to be marketed correctly and certainly out of state.....even out of the country.
Some investors from Dubai and also China have taken some interest and, in fact, we have an offer from the Dubai people where they are still doing their due dilligence! The entire piece in 2,600 acres with 52 investors ranging from 25-50-100-500 shares/acres.
If you need more information let me know.
You said to email information to VegasLos@gmail.com. Is that a large group or a person. I'll get it together and upload some basic information to you.
Thanks Again,
It's one of my emails. We are part of an extensive global investment network.
Debra Allen sent you an email concerning the AZ HRC positions. She has 4 team members who are interested in becoming HRCs. Might want to check your bulk or junk folder. Here is her contact information in case you need it:
I'm an HRC in South Lake Tahoe. Do you know Fran Bailey?
Gina > Robert Stiles, SFRFebruary 9, 2009 at 3:54pm
How is it working for Fran Bailey?
Karen Knight > Robert Stiles, SFRJanuary 30, 2009 at 10:51am
Hi Robert,
That sounds familiar. Does she work with Titanium. I have some friends in Truckie-ey-??, but think that's a bit away from South Lake.
Titanium Solutions
Wondering if it's the same offering I had received from a previous source a few months ago as there is not too many parcels of that size in the same vicinity. Were you marketing the property with DLG/Barry Brooksby? I was formerly the Mexico marketing executive with them and thought we were marketing that property. Believe we might have some investors in our investment group with appetite for land. Please email the information to VegasLos@gmail.com and let me know if there are any other investments you are thinking about liquidating. Will do my best to help you sell them to help with your treatment!
Have given your email to some of my Phoenix, AZ colleagues.
The property is in Utah and is marketed through Real Estate Exchange. It was written up in the Sunset Magazine and also Invision Utah. It's so beautiful that it breaks my heart to let it go, but I'll at least have more when it finally sells. I really think it's the kind of property that needs to be marketed correctly and certainly out of state.....even out of the country.
Some investors from Dubai and also China have taken some interest and, in fact, we have an offer from the Dubai people where they are still doing their due dilligence! The entire piece in 2,600 acres with 52 investors ranging from 25-50-100-500 shares/acres.
If you need more information let me know.
You said to email information to VegasLos@gmail.com. Is that a large group or a person. I'll get it together and upload some basic information to you.
Thanks Again,
Debra Allen sent you an email concerning the AZ HRC positions. She has 4 team members who are interested in becoming HRCs. Might want to check your bulk or junk folder. Here is her contact information in case you need it:
480.797.4080 Cell
I'm an HRC in South Lake Tahoe. Do you know Fran Bailey?
That sounds familiar. Does she work with Titanium. I have some friends in Truckie-ey-??, but think that's a bit away from South Lake.
Titanium Solutions