Today I got an invitation to be friends with a very pretty woman and I went to accept her invitation and found she had been invited by one FLINT FAULKNER to meet at a trade show. He says he is from Land AM. I figure it was a possible good connection he was looking for ROCK STAR agents. Then I read another profile and found out he had invited them also. (another woman) and then another. If you look at the under 40 year old women on this site it looks like he has invited them all.Having a background in law enforcement I figure I would look at old FLINT. Take a look guys this is an asset manager placement agent that seems to have a preference for the ladies. I bet not one MALE rock star has seen an invitation from FLINT. At least before this gets posted.HEY FLINT I AM A ROCK STAR AND SO IS JESSE who is nice enought to provide this site to the professionals in this industry.. I just have one question that seems logical.. When Land Am grades there selected agents does sex, age and physical appearance have anything to do with appointments?

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  • So I guess I don't have a chance of getting an invite from this dude? ;-)

    Oh well, I never wanted to be a rock star anyway!
  • I think we all have stated clearly that Flint is a REAL person. It is also very clear that Flint is a REAL slime Bag of a person. Having been doing this for a while I have seen my share of Asset Managers who expect a certain PLAY for PAY, so to speak. I have never seen something as blatant as to openly solicit every young attractive female on the board, stating I need Rock Star agents in the just the area that the female happens to reside and work. George's point is well made and Flint should be ashamed of himself....although knowing the type I'm sure he is not. Try Flint!
  • Hello fellow REOPROs:

    I had a chance to talk to Flint Faulkner and would like to confirm that he is real. He is indeed working for LAD and is in the transition with the new company that bought out LAD.
  • Hi George, I've been slammed the last few days with REO's and haven't had time to catch up on some of the blogs and forum posts. Short and sweet.......I met Flint at the REOMAC conference, he is no "Make Believe Internet Personality". I spent some time talking and sharing some laughs with him, and of course some business networking as well. Obviously I didn't ask him for 2 forms of ID, but what I think I'm getting from your posts, is that this guy doesn't exist! All I'm saying is, he does. So what if he has 40 beautiful women in his friends section.......most of us would want to be friends with an asset least I would think that we would, or we better get out of this business.

    Regardless, I would just suggest that you just back off from the posting on this "make believe" stuff. I also know that Flint is very busy at this time, and having met him, I would think that when he finds time, maybe he will contact you.......that is if you haven't burned your bridge all ready. Regards. KIRB in MD.
    • Whoa Joe! I googled Flint Faulkner and found out Flint does exist as well. George is a nice guy. This is a very frustrating business to be in sometimes but worth it in the end. Are you trying to earn points? LOL
      • Hey Margaret, I'm not trying to gain points, or shoot anyone in the foot, or whatever. I just wanted George to know that I met the guy, he does exist, and he's a pretty cool guy. I also see that you posted the Land Am website, maybe that will help others as well. I do know that sometime later this month or early next month it will be announced who bought out or took over Land Am. That should be some information that we all will want to know as well. As for George, if he want to keep his "Make Believe Internet Personality" thing going........well then good for him. I have too much to deal with to go chasing that stuff. I actually thought that I was helping someone out by letting him know, he does exist. Regards. KIRB in MD.
        • I was just joking with you. I am going to contact you later about NRBA if that is okay. My business partner was just accepted as a member as well. I wanted to pick your brain. Thanks
          • I know. But please be careful how much of my brain you pick.........there really isn't that much up there!!! :) Regards. KIRB in MD.
      • Margaret:
        Thank you for the nice compliment. I don’t think Mr. Kirby was trying to be mean or gain points with the still possible “Internet Personality”. In fact he could find he shot him self in the foot. In that I have not got a response from Mr. Faulkner I still want to treat this issue that way. (possible internet personality)

        I do think Mr. Kirby got a little confused with 40 friends or 40 invitations. The 40 number is however close to the number of invitations that have been counted that Flint sent out on this site. I got a list of the invitations from someone else and I must say that the women do share similar traits.

        I guess in my professional life I have seen most proposals for “professional real estate services” from Banks and Asset Managers come in some kind of application process. In this case the practice and screening method seems a little different than normal. (NO MORE NO LESS) If I use say Prescient as an example they want you to jump through hoops before they will even consider you. Or C.B. Richard Ellis , you know those little companies that got the FDIC Contract. This is also what I would expect from a company like Land Am.

        Seeming how Mr. Kirby is friends with Mr. Faulkner maybe he can ask him what Land Am’s policy is on hiring agents. Where is the application package posted on the internet? Do we have to send in pictures first? Do we go straight to the Asset Managers or is there a pre screening process? Is there any preference they have according to age, sex ? Should we even make application or should we just wait for Land Am Asset Managers to find us on this site?

        And Mr. Kirby if you get to talk to Flint and he would like to have the names of the people that got invitations that could have been sent out on his behalf and without his knowledge I think I have it.

        As for burning bridges …. “You can’t burn a bridge that does not exist”… I think Martin Luther King said that. I think Gandi said " Bridges that don't let everyone cross are blockaids."
        • I saw the invitations but assumed it was a random spam to an email list. Who knows, I have to tell you George your last post was elequent.
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