
  • Thanks Sandra
    I will wait til the last day. :(
  • They did not give me a code . I remarked on their FB site and they erased it. I contacted the asset co's I worked with that use Res.Net and they both told me no discount code was given to them either to pass on to their agents.
  • I need to renew my premium AMP membership with RES.NET .  Does anyone have a referral / promo code for a discount off the $700 yearly fee?
    Please advise, thanks.  I greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide to get a discount.  Have a great day and look forward to hearing back from you.
    • did you find one.  I've been looking as well.



      • No and mine expires tomorrow. Contacted my asset mgr and he told me they didn't have a discount code to pass on to their agents. Res.Net always tells you how wonderful they are and how much they have to offer. Expense reports, being able to access past monthly reports and bpo's (I save mine before submitting) and of course their so called certifications ??? I have one due to go pending today, one listing and 3 pre listings. I will be locked out as of midnight tonight!!! If you make any negative comments on their FB site they delete them. It's $700 now or the listings will be moved to another agent. Res Net is not an asset co.however due to an agreement they have with asset co's using Res.Net they will only use agents PAYING for the highest membership???! This I have via email from a sales rep from last year while arguing over the black mail they use to force agents to bite the bullet. You always receive 1-2 new properties right before your membership expires through one of the co's you're working with , then most times nothing for months. 

        • Thank you.  I agree with everything you have written.  What a shame.  ResNet use to be a good place to be, no so now.  Let me know if you go down to the wire and they change their mind?  



    • Just give them a call they will give you a discount. 

      • I was told by a sales rep when I called "there hasn't been any discount codes" since March,2014???

  • Does anyone have any updated Promo or Referral Code for the Professional Verson??

  • Call them... they will help u w/ that!

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