Feb 26, 2015 @ 11:00 PST / 2:00 EST REOPro will be hosting a Webinar on how you can become a HUD Listing Agent. This will be a onetime event and seats are limited to the first 200 people. It is a first come, first serve webinar and you MUST RSVP, no exceptions. The cost is $99.00 and to register, follow the provided link directly below...


Registration URL: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/7976672450494759681

Training ID: 182-365-388

Q:  Why should I listen to this webinar, hosted by REOPro instead of listening to anyone else’s?

A: On this webinar, you will learn how to become a HUD Listing Agent directly from an M&M Contractor for HUD M&M 2, who had 2 states and was one of the very 1st Broad Listing Brokers. She has also sold thousands of HUD homes since 1993 and is a current bidder on HUD M&M3.7


Q: What will this webinar do for me unlike other webinars I have attended?


A: With REOPro you get to hear directly from a HUD insider who is going to share with you, the tips and tricks on how to get noticed by a HUD Asset Manager.  She will reveal what it takes to become a HUD Listing Agent and give you specifics on what you need to do to get noticed.

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Email me when people reply –


    • That is a great question and as a Principal Broker, let me say that the liability for taking on a listing and not having "much to do with it" would be to great for me to ever enter into a MLA or Master List Agreement and only put an affiliate in charge. That may sound a bit silly to some but, my license is just as much at risk or even greater because by law, here in Tennessee, as a Principal I am supposed to "supervise" my agents. As for day to day activity, the Principal can assign an affiliate to be the main point of contact so, essentially the Principal is only involved with issues that are raised to him so.....I don't guess they need to be "too" involved, especially if they have an affiliate who is on top of things and handling everything themselves but, for goodness sake, if something goes bad....the Principal better be ready to defend.

  • Hi Jesus,

    I paid and signed but did not receive an email for webinar? please advise 

    -Adrian Audelo 

    • Hey Adrian,

      We are going to have a repeat Webinar for those people who had technical difficulties. I have forwarded your information to Debbie, the Instructor and she will be reaching out to you.

      • Ok sounds good, thank you :-) 

  • I signed up, but never got a confirmation.  I paid my money.  What do I do now.

    • You are the second complaint about not getting a confirmation email with log in information so, give me a couple hours to see what has happened and I will let everyone know here on this forum thread. Thanks in advance for your patience.

      • If you paid thru paypal, then there was an issue I believe.

        • Yeah, I think you may be right. We had a few pay through paypal and they all seem to not have gotten their confirmation email.

  • Jesse.How long will the webinar last?

    • It should be every bit of an hour, maybe a little longer with Q&A however, if necessary, I will move Q&A to this forum thread so as not to take up everyone's time.

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