
    • Lelia-

      Are you trying to set up to do BPO's with them or REO's? I can send you the instructions on who to call (Vendor Managers)  and tgheir respective email addresses, in most regions of the country- you can't just apply online etc- you basically have to call them, get the application..etc...


      Joey Singh
      Ameritax BPO Inc. 
      Business Development 

      Tax and Business Consulting
      AmeriTax Inc.
      Learn how we can increase your business with our marketing help! -
      Skype: Ameritax1
      1 516 881 0126 Direct Assistants Line
      1 800 689 6028 Fax
      1 917 859 4400 Cell     

      • Just 1 unpaid BPO I submitted. They have changed my login and password and I am unable to reach by telephone. I just want payment and then sign off from them. I searched until I found an address in Ja cksonville, FL that  I mailed letter to yesterday to see if they could help. I have prepared BPO's for them and PowerLink for several years with no problems.



        • If you are writing about Evaluation Solutions, they have filed bankruptcy.  I had one unpaid, but after sending multiple emails got it before they filed.  They had been getting away with it for years.  If you google their name, you'll see how they've behaved and badly at that.  Let's hope this year we can stay away from crooks like them.

          • Eval did owe me $800.00 but after a year of non payment I had a Demand letter sent and received payment in full,  and within just a few weeks I received the notification they were closing down. ServiceLink is the one that owes me $115.00 for 4 months and changed my password and login so I am currently unable to reach as no one returns calls or email. After Eval if I have a problem with receiving payments I quit accepting orders.



      • Jesse....can you please terminate this person's account?  All he does is spam every thread with offers to do BPOs..which is against most company policies anyway!  I am sick of my email being filled with his solicitations!!!

        • AMEN...he sends me emails from Brooklyn every other week

          • I am in Manhattan too- but Brooklyn is way cooler to be from...- I am down by the AMEX exchange- where SYM's is - I see you're uptown near Harlem right?..I used to live on 110 and Broadway when wife my taught at a school there ..- Call me or send me a LinkedIn message if you want a list of good companies that actually pay brokers on time..

            I hear Single Source is going to be getting a bunch of HSBC BPO's in March

    • Powerlink and Servicelink are essentially the same co. so you might try 412-776-1913,  412-776-1914. If nothing else they may be able to tell you who to call.

  • Does anyone have any experience with Specialized Asset Management (SAM)?  They are good to work with and pay on time, but their orders are so difficult to snag. I've done some work for them, but usually by the time an order reaches my inbox, it's already accepted by another agent.

    • I have had no problems with SAM. I receive orders from them under Quandis most of the time and have never had a no pay with them. We don't have a lot of people doing BPO's in our area so if they aren't paying what I want according to the area, I don't respond and it won't be long till they will call me. I can then tell them what I will do it for. In town orders I do for $40 to $50. Corelogic has been automatically paying $50, Altisource pays $40. Most of the others $45. Rural and out of town I go by distance. 15 to 25 miles I charge $60 and over that I charge $75. I won't go more than 55 miles, which is the 2nd town from ours. I get calls to go all over the State (Wyoming) but just have to tell them I can't and won't do it.

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