
          • Vicki, you need to open your own BPO company

          • it is up to the broker and most brokers like myself will allow agents to be paid directly.  Some do not and it is really an accounting nightmare. I have a few companies that are adamant that checks be made payable to the brokerage, but most don't.

    • they are GOLDEN

    • I have worked for both for years and have never had any problems.  Service link has direct deposit into your checking account, which I think is nice as you get the money sooner.

      • Thanks Linda. Just curious.

        • I was concerned also. I am still receiving the orders from LPS but I noticed some email signatures from ServiceLink
          • LPS and Servicelink are under the same umbrella....they have merged

  • Normally $55 for exterior and they pay once a month. Have not done a lot for them but they do pay within 30 days:)

  • People,People,People,  STOP doing BPO's when you have not been paid for the first 6 or 8 that you have done.  It is your own fault to keep working for them.  Also before I ever accept an order I check out the company - you have to do your homework with all these BPO companies.


    I don't want to sound like a "know it all"  but I have been around the block a couple of times.  If you are owed money the BBB and State Attorney General offices are the place to go , then there is always small claims....the first two usually work.

    I always jot down the bank the BPO is for and if it is not on the form I ask who they are.  I have called BOA on a company  and guess what,,,I got paid...


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