
    • Who is La Shanda and Jennifer?  Are you talking about Corelogic?  I have never experienced anyone at Corelogic just changing out comps and value I don't think that's an ethical procedure they can do.  Changing out comparables can only be done on your end when they submit to you a reject or clarification.  Though, they will make suggestions.  All you have to do is research them and if they don't seem to be viable comps then all you have to do is give them a logical explanation why you think you can't not use them and or at worst come back and ask you to find others more suited.  Corelogic is a good company and I have established a good relationship with then because I am always willing to go the extra mile.

      • Antionette, this is not a "show your BPO knowledge" advertising opportunity. I'm sure every member of this network works hard and go the "extra mile" to complete their assigned BPOs as well. We have these discussions to bring to surface issues that are not normal or is unfamiliar to help fellow agents, give advice or at the very least pass on information. Every agent who has completed BPOs for multiple companies will not share the same opinion as you for a particular company. Doesn't mean that its right or wrong. It shouldn't be judged. We are just sharing info. 

        • Rodney, 

          Sorry you missed my point, it had nothing to do with advertisement.  What I was merely trying to say is that not all BPO companies are bad.  Its unfortunate that when one does wrong others get the reputation too.  It's not been any different with Realtors either. As Realtors we have been looked down at with a reputation like a Car sales person just looking for a quick commission and we don't like it either because we know there's a lot more work involved to getting a home sold.  So, again it was just sharing information to help others to understand how Corelogic can be a good partner.

    • Anne - And that is why I quit doing them unless I get $100. Took me a 18 months to go broke doing them and then I remembered, "I'm in the REAL ESTATE business, not the BPO business.

  • Clear Capital is excellent.

    • Yes, I love them...  They are will mannered and always get your payments out on time.  I make it habit to make them priority when doing my reports.

  • Valuation partners 

    This is who you have to talk to at Valuation Partners..

    HXXly TXXXXng

    Accounts Payable

    Real Estate Valuation Partners



    If you want the direct number just PM me or send me message on LinkedIn- I do not want her flying to  NYC and meeting me in our parking lot because 1000's of people know her number on this board.

    Joey Singh
    Ameritax BPO Inc. 
    Business Development 

    Tax and Business Consulting
    AmeriTax Inc.
    Learn how we can increase your business with our marketing help! -
    Skype: Ameritax1
    1 212 801 2390 Office Ext 888
    1 516 881 0126 Direct Assistants Line
    1 800 689 6028 Fax
    1 917 859 4400 Cell

  • I have come to the same conclusion as others and demand $50 for close by, and higher fees for rush, distance and interior.  I decided to charge $1.00 per mile both ways so if it's 30 miles, they better pay me $60 or more.  IAS screwed me, but luckily they were still paying when reported to the BBB.  You know they have a licensed broker as the person in charge of real estate there at IAS and I think more people should file a complaint with the Colorado Real Estate Commission to take their license.  They are still dishonestly recruiting unknowing agents to do their work.

    • $1.00 a mile is a good way to charge for long distance orders.  That is good advice.

    • I filed a complaint with the Colorado REC against the broker and after checking it out, they wrote back stating that they don't get involved trying to collect unpaid bills. Maybe if they received enough complaints from other agents, they might get after IAS's broker

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