
          • Thank you Antionette. But does someone know if iMortgage (this is with an "i" not with an "e") pay their agents/vendors?.  

            • I used to do a ton of work for iMortgage and they paid regularly and pretty good.

              • Thank you John. I wanted to be prepared in case they send me more work.  I am so cautious because I lost a lot with Evalonline, and I am afraid of any name that I do not know. I do not want to go through the same traumatic situation.

      • No way would I take an order for $30!  Agents need to respect themselves by just rejecting these orders so these companies can get a clue that they can not continue to disrespect our licenses.  We pay a lot of money every year to NAR, to our local MLS boards, office dues and not to mention continued education so we can keep up with the regulations/guidelines to keep from getting in court.  How dare they think we can survive on pennies.  It makes me glad that people are out there protesting against these slave driven fast food places like McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King etc...etc...  Those jobs are now becoming regular jobs that every generation is currently having to adjust to in order to put food on the table.  I'd rather take that genuine time and spend it with my kids.  Anyway, its a no brainer that the banks do pay these third party outsource companies a lot more money for these orders and then they turn around and profit buy paying us ridiculous fee's to go to places like Timbucktoo. ITS A JOKE!!

        • Agreed.  Don't take any orders for the $30 fee they offer.  You can negotiate their orders up.  With the cost of gas and time invested, $30 will put you in the hole.

  • Has anyone worked with Pro-Teck? Wondering if they pay? Ive done several lately but to early to know if they are going to pay or not. 

    • ONe of the best BPO companies I've ever worked for.  Pay schedule is every 2 weeks and like clockwork.  Been with them for 8 years.

      • Thank you

    • Pro-tek- Yes they pay well, have a great reputation for quality and have tons of volume due to the previously mentioned parts of the sentence.. Most companies have started to reach a certain threshold of time and or a dollar amount to send out payments..otherwise its too expensive as a line item expense to send 10000 brokers 40 dollar checks 30 times a month...

      You want to talk to Mathew P. to sign up (if you want exact info) PM on Linked In or shoot me a email to

      Joey Singh
      Ameritax BPO Inc. 
      Business Development 

      Tax and Business Consulting
      AmeriTax Inc.
      Learn how we can increase your business with our marketing help! -
      Skype: Ameritax1
      1 212 801 2390 Office Ext 888
      1 516 881 0126 Direct Assistants Line
      1 800 689 6028 Fax
      1 917 859 4400 Cell

      • Hi Joey,

        I have done this and emailed you twice for the info on Marktomarket to be paid and I still have not heard from you.

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