
  • I was right. When the deal that I entered for the buyer agent closed, RESNET sent me an email soliciting a paid subscription. So they are using us to recruit our own competition  

  • Please remove this unrelated advertisement from my discussion. It is not welcome. 

    • Cecilia.  You should let Jesse know about this ad and he can take it down.

      • I thought about that. We used to get a weekly summary of discussions so people would contribute. Without that there is very little new information or insights being provided by our members.  I'll let him know. 

  • I have had 2 clients react to this requirement.  

    One is angry that I didn't question the buyer agent about the offer and review a copy of the POF.   I asked if I should require that they also submit the offer to me and he said no.  He said he's been complaining about this to his management but he also gave me a real dressing down.

    The other is just telling me to ignore the requirement and pretend that I represent both parties and review, critique, and enter all offers as usual. 

  • Shouldn't we get a discount for advertising RESNET on our MLS?

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