
I.m thinking of getting a netbook. Anyone using some of the new netbooks and what has been your experience so far? Any recommendations on one in particular? Thanks for any feedback you can offer.

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  • Gail:

    Don't waste you time or money with a Net book. They are way underpowered. For the same money you can essentiall buy what i call a throw away computer for 350-400 that will have the RAM and hard drive to handle the requirements. The Net books in my opinion are great loittle marketing tools more like an emachine so you can get on the internet.In fact the ones I have seen don't even give you a full version of windows 7 and if you want the full version you have to pay for the upgrade.

    Hope this hleps you.

    Larry Hollingsworth,realtor
    Frisco, TX
    • Thanks Larry. I had somewhat come to this conclusion, but just wanted a second opinion.
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