My First REO

I was wondering what others have done to get started out there with REO's. I work for a Brokerage in the Midwest that specialzes in Short Sales and Reo's but have not personally,as an agent in the office, done an REO yet.It seems like most of the companies require personal REO experience. Are there any other companies that you would reccommend to put in an application. I have signed up for various BPO companies, but I'm not sure if this is the route to go.Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance

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  • Thanks for your insight Kim. I really appreciate it. Do you think it helps to sign up with as many BPO companies as possible.

  • Hi Todd,

    Now I may not be the most experienced person to reply, but like you, I am just getting my feet wet in the world of REO's. I am now working on my second REO listing. I will tell you that I have applied to many, many companies, banks, etc. for BPO and REO opportunities. I started my process over a year ago and after about 7 months, I received my first REO listing. What was told to me (by others) and appears to be true, is that it takes a lot of persistent, consistent work and follow up with the companies and PATIENCE! There is no magic words; there is no easy path. Patience is the key along with being aggressive in your task of getting that first REO listing!
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