
  • Just look in Craigslist. I have all the microsoft programs for pennies on th4 dollar throught Craigs. Computer clone makers get it to load onto new machines and they sell the programs, which is legal as long as they also sell you a part of a computer. Sometimes I receive an old blankl harddrive or some old memory as the 'part' required to be legal. lol

  • Yes even open office is a really great suite of free office software...or just pay a couple hundred bucks and buy MSFT Office and have Bill Gates use your money to cure Polio or Malaria...being serious....

  • Get Libre Office 

    It's a free office suite that is very similar to the big guy.  My system crashed too, and rather than try to find my old disc and upload Microsoft, I downloaded this.  Very pleased with it and it is completely compatabile with all Microsoft Office line.

    I think it's got everything you will need, including a powerpoint type program. 

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