Advanced Evaluations is a core course for the REO Default Certified Professional (RDCProTM) designation. You must complete both REO Best Practices and Advanced Evaluations in order to apply for your RDCProTM.



REO Default Certified Professional (RDCProTM)

The Default School RDCProTM designation is already an REO industry standard for any real estate broker or agent. By completing the required online REO training courses, you can achieve this certification and move one step closer to working with a number of leading corporate REO sellers. Earning the certification adds your name and expertise to the private Default School database that clients access on a daily basis to find qualified real estate professionals.



  • I am wondering how many Realtors on here have this designation and have you found it to lead to any new business?


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  • I had it for few years now. Nothing came as far as REO is concern.
  • Never had a client ask me what certifications I had, they only wanted to know what I could do for them.
    • ^ 110% agreed with Steve on this.  The application processes ask what designations you carry.  And sometimes I'm sure those with them may gain some advantage over those without them.  However, all of my clients I have received via referral.  Once I get the opportunity to do business with them, I am great at forming & keeping relationships & putting up results with my assets!  This is what continues to get me business on the REO listing side of my ventures.  However, I do intend on getting the CDPE wrapped up this year for my own wealth of knowledge.  I attend at least one seminar a month pertaining specifically to REO's and/or Short Sales from my local Board to always continually be "sharpening the saw".
  • I am. I'm not sure how much weight it carries anymore. I know that some companies are now asking for A-REO and CDPE. Had to get those, too.
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