
  • Does anyone know if the is down? I was trying to sign up and I get page not find..

    • Hi Bill. 

      Yes that site is only activated for a short time after each webinar.  I just checked, but to subscribe there, is a monthly membership to that social/training platform, which you receive 30 days for free when you sign up for the training.  Email Mike at or Lisa at  She is the Administration and Customer Support Director. 

      Hope this helps, Linda


  • Hi Anthony.  I have just started Mike's course, we are in the first week.  After the huge slow down here, I want/need to do things differently and get some fresh ideas.  So that is why I decided to sign up for this course after listening to the webinar and so far that is what I have experienced.  Yes, you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to make things change, but I am liking what I hear so far.  I will let you know my results after a few months!

    Hi Laura!  Great to run into you hear.  Are you going to REOExpo again?  Linda

  • Hey all!

    I have spoken to Mike personally and I find him to be a very approachable and knowledgeable person. Though I have not used his materials I have many clients that have and have sent me his stuff for me to verify if it is good or not. As a former Asset Manager I can tell you that he has a great program which can help you succeed and, considering he does, in a few ways, compete with my company, that says a lot. My job with REO Warrior is to ensure that REO agents have the tools to succeed and I wholeheartedly endorse Mike’s program to that end.

    Tony Rosales

    REO Warrior

  • Wow Bill. I was just directed to this by one of my members. I have to say that I have never had the first bit of negativity spoken about me. So you are the first. I do want to clear up a few things. First of all you seem to be in my marketplace but you do not in fact "know me" . Maybe you know "of" me from my having worked here and sold many homes and radio and tv advertising, but we have never met, had any conversations, nor have we had any communications at all prior to this.

    Secondly, I am very disheartened to have my name being put out there with any negative insinuations, without first hand knowledge. The question asked was "Has anyone used "Uncensored REO Secrets System" by Mike Costigan". You have not. You perhaps should have just stated so. What you might learn about me if you ever do "know" me is that I am a very dedicated husband, a good father, a positive member of my community and I try my very best to be a helpful and giving person to my colleagues and to those I teach. Frankly, today I have had enough success in real estate that I do not have to do any of this. I don't care about accolades. I have received just about all of them and they mean very little except to give me somewhat of a reinforcement for having knowledge that might be valuable to others who may want to learn. Today, I simply find this fulfilling, to be able to share with others ( and frankly, I LEARN from many of those in my groups as well). We have a lot of smart people involved and that is where the learning is taken to an entirely different level. People are not left with just some "course" that they took. I like to see them leave with something much greater-something they can build on for the rest of their career at whatever level they choose. My teachings are not "theory", they have no bs and no fluff. they are of actual process that WORK and that I have used to sell literally thousands of REO properties in my REO career. They are also a collection of the techniques developed and used by some of the top REO brokers in the business, many of whom I have the great fortune to be personal friends with and business colleagues of. Agents today don't need theory. They need things that work. And this stuff does. It's good.

    You seem to surmise that "being in the REO business for less than a few years" would disqualify someone from being knowledgeable and successful to a level that is worth learning from. I actually have been in REO for more than 4 years full time, but that is irrelevant. I have always gauged success to be relative to the level of business that one completes in his or her career. Being in real estate for more than 20 years now, I can tell you that I know a lot of agents with 40-50+ years of experience who sell very few homes. If "time" in the business were to be a qualifying factor for teaching, we'd have some grossly incompetent instructors in our industry. The fact is that I have a track record of sales (in the thousands in both REO and traditional real estate INDEPENDENT of each other.) You see, I have always been a very good "builder" of businesses with fast success. That is sort of the name of the game in being an entrepreneur. You learn to build and then adapt quickly to capture the most market share in the shortest amount of time. I have always been very nimble out of the gate and have been able to produce very strong numbers that outpace most. This is what I teach to others and this is why I see "time" in business as irrelevant. In fact, people with lots of "time" invested and a marginal or even just "slightly" successful track record are often those who benefit the most from instruction and fine tuning of their business and processes. The BIG point here however is that we are in the NEW age of REO and I certainly think that most agents and brokers are more interested in learning the New, "Cutting Edge", "What's Working NOW" techniques, that the new breed of successful REO agents and brokers teach. So many "old school" men and women come to me for a freshening up of their antiquated approaches that are no longer bringing them business. Almost without fail, they thank me for my perspectives that help them to rebuild their careers by the end of the course.

    Yes, I DID come of through Craig Proctor's organization and I am proud to have done so. You leave people with an implication that an association with him is a negative thing. Bluntly, I am very proud of the time that I spent learning and masterminding with some of the best agents and brokers that I still know today. Craig is another highly successful agent and he has taught many other agents how to be successful. Because he makes a lot of money doing so, it does not make him a bad person or someone whose program is "Another one you should also stay away from" as I quote from your follow-up post below. Honestly, I am very grateful to Craig for what I learned and for the people that I met as a result of his program.

    Bill, most highly successful people have mentors that they learn from. When we think we are at our pinnacle on our own that is where we begin to regress. I myself have had and still do have some fabulous mentors that guide me much in the same way that I guide others and I pay them handily for the direction in which they take me, as do some of the most successful people in the world. None of us knows everything and we all can benefit from outside perspectives of those with knowledge. Now my teaching and my style of doing so are CERTAINLY not for everyone. I point this out to people before they enroll. I move very fast and give a lot of information. I don't invite slow paced "learners" or people who would rather "watch from the bleachers" instead of "playing the game down on the court" with the rest of the team. In fact, I discourage them and ask them to please not participate. I don''t want to waste their time nor do I wish for them to waste mine. I have a pretty good track record and I don't want any halfhearted agent to ruin it. No one is a perfect fit for every program. However, I love the people that I teach and I give them everything that I have to give. I make it a point to "give" away far more than I have ever or will ever "sell".  I am finally in a place where I am doing what I am passionate about. I am helping others and loving the joy that it brings me each day. It helps me to be the person that I truly wish to be. It helps me to elevate the joy in my life by bringing joy to others. It has taught me a real lesson about giving without expecting anything in return. And THAT is what I would like to do for you. I would very much like for you to have a true perspective on the subject of me personally and my sincerity in "giving" and I would very much also like for you to have a true first hand perspective on my course and what I teach to agents. If you will contact me directly, I will allow you to enroll in my course, my compliments. Go through the entire 30 days and decide for yourself if you would or would not recommend me at that point. When you are finished, you can opt (completely your obligation here at all) to pay the enrollment fee when it is over or you can tell me that you did not see the value and you can leave with the knowledge you gained and absolutely no hard feelings from me whatsoever. In fact, I will hopefully actually get the chance to "know" you and for you to "know" me sometime and I will look forward to shaking your hand and being friends regardless of your evaluation of the course. The offer is extended as purely goodwill. Let me know when you would like tot get started.  Mike Costigan

    • I will take a leap of faith and take the course. But I have a few questions if you would when you get time email me. 

    • Mike,

         As you know REO is a different animal completely. My mentor has been doing it in the ATL area for over 20 years. I am sorry if I offended you. You are in fact a really nice guy. And I do like your values as far as family etc. Also Mike also we have spoken before a few times years ago when I was with Todd W & Associates but that was a long time ago. Mike my frustration is with so many people hurting for business and so there's many people preying on people who want to get in the REO business not saying that's what you are doing.  No I have never used you system. But it does sound like it maybe something I will look into. And then I will give you my honest opinion. As far as Craig's thing that's a different story and we may never see eye to eye on that. Also the other guys system we both know it can't be that great ("Another one you should also stay away from"). Mike I will take you up on your deal. Let me see how your program works. I am not one to shy away from education nor if  I am 100% wrong I will admit it. My email address is 

  • Hi Anthony,

    I did sign up with Mike Costigan's Uncensored REO Secrets and have to say I love it. Like all real estate systems you have to do something to make it work. I never knock anyone's ideas or systems unless I know firsthand if they're legit, or not. I can tell you that Mike Costigan is the real deal. I don't understand why people that haven't tried a system can sit back a bad-mouth them, without ever trying. It's just not fair. I see Bill Chase has said a few bad things about Uncensored REO Secrets, and other systems, but I doubt that he has even signed up and tried them. I've been a member for about 7 weeks and absolutely love it! This has open doors for me and I can see my business grow. It's a 4 week program and you can stay on longer for the "graduates call" of a monthly fee, if you want, and I did. Every week graduates have a live phone meeting with Mike and he helps us with anything dealing with REO's. He know his stuff. In short, NO system is going to work if you don't put in any effort. Personally, my business hasn't been to good the past few years and I took a chance and signed up with Mike. No, I don't know him personally and I've only spoken to him during our calls, but I do know his system works. He's back East and I'm in L.A. and his system works just as well here as it does there. Because of Uncensored REO Secrets, I've gotten in with Chase bank and 6 asset management companies, but it gets better. Since I'm in the Chase bank system as an REO agent, they hand selected me and a handful of other agent to try their new program call "Priority Partners". I am now the go to guy for Chase bank short sales. Who ever knew that signing up with Uncensored REO Secrets would not only get me REO business, but short sale business with the largest bank in my area. I did something that most agents that buy into systems don't do, I got off my butt and made it happen. Maybe all system will work if you do something about it, maybe not. What I do know is that owe Mike Costigan and Uncensored REO Secrets my gratitude. My all around business hasn't been better. So you nay-sayers out there (Bill Chase) don't knock it unless you've tried it. I have nothing personally against Bill, just when people talk about things they know nothing about. If anyone wants to talk to me about my success with Uncensored REO Secrets, feel free to email or call me.

    Thank you,

    Brian Byhower

    RE/MAX Beach Cities Realty

    Cell: 310-621-2819

  • Another one to stay away from is DistressSale University REO Gold

    • I will make a note of it.  Thanks.

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