REO Lister ****WARNING***** 

I have tried this service and after extreme patients and 12 months, I have not received any responses from the 150 company's they were suppose to have submitted my applications to. I then had to go back and redo my own applications to the individual companies, where I am finally getting business. I also found out that some applications were not submitted, submitted with the incorrect information and incomplete. I spoke to the rep and the owner and they refused to do anything and stop responding to my emails and phone calls. Buyer beware, my suggestions is get the free list from them and submit your own applications.

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  • Here they come again! I paid them Hundred$ of dollars in 2010, and then they disappeared. Now I am getting solicited, again. I too, spoke with the owner and agent who made many promises. Nothing happened The only accounts I have to this day are those I applied for and nurtured.

    • Richard, so sorry to hear that. I wish I knew of your issue with them earlier, before I wasted my money. But what we need to do is shut them down or at least get the word out to everyone. Lets put our head together to make that happen!! 

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