Hello All,
I have been working with a company called Groundwork recently and they assign driveby inspections - you take a photo of the front, mailbox, street view and answer some questions and the assignment is done. No BPO, no comps, etc. Anyone know of any other companies that do this? I have been searching online but I am coming up empty on searching property inspections, etc.
Thanks in advance.
I'm in Henderson NV and would be interested if you need someone here.
Hi Clint, do you have any need for inspections in Oregon? Specifically Bend and Redmond, Oregon?
yes. can you please email me with your contact info and I'll put our team in touch.
I used to do the same thing for www.brokerpriceopinion.com however they never pay so i guess dont use them.
Good to know. Groundwork pays and they do direct deposit too. I have a good volume with them monthly.