Drive-by inspections

Hello All, 

I have been working with a company called Groundwork recently and they assign driveby inspections - you take a photo of the front, mailbox, street view and answer some questions and the assignment is done. No BPO, no comps, etc. Anyone know of any other companies that do this? I have been searching online but I am coming up empty on searching property inspections, etc. 

Thanks in advance. 

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  • Melissa,

    Thank you for your referral to Groundwork.  I signed up with them.  Here is one I signed up with on Feb 28.  Trinity Inspections.  They pay $25 for 3 Exterior photos.  They also have Interior Inspections which pay $35-40.  I just did about 11 of them because of the Houston flood.  That was the first time they had contacted me to do inspections.  They told me they pay in about 2 weeks.

    Sign Up link: 

    Trinity Field Services
    4851 LBJ FWY, Suite 410 | Dallas, TX 75244 | 888-573-8029

    Where are you located?

    Rhonda Reedy

  • I signed up for Groundwork last week. I've been sent 3 orders so far, but they are gone almost instantly even though I receive the alerts via text and the app.

  • I started working with this company, Groundworks.  They only pay $21 for a property inspection report.  I have received anywhere from $25 to $45 from other companies for similar reports. Originally they assured me that all reports wound be assigned to only one inspector at a time.  Then last year they decided to "blast" the reports to several agent with the first one to sign in gets the report.  Hardy seems worth it to have to fight for $21 assignments.  I do BPOs assigned only to me and have any where from 30 minutes to 3 hours to accept before they are reassigned. Trinity also assigns property inspection report for $35-$45.  They call you by phone and email to offer assignments.  Pay on time and are easy to work with. They normally require lots of photos 9 or so but have a phone app that allows you to do the assignment at the location.

    • Thanks for the input. I like groundwork. Easy to work with in my opinion. The blasts do kinda put you off but I average about 6 a day and go do the pics every other day to collect more in the areas and make it a bit more worth it. I would rather do the inspections vs a bpo (lol) they pay $25/house to me. I will check out trinity- thanks for the info.
  • I'm sorry Zac.  We don't currently have a need in CO but I'll keep you posted if that changes.

    • Thanks for getting back to me. Take care.

  • I'm currently looking for someone interested in completing between 80-100 monthly occupancy inspections in IL.  The coverage area is 3 counties: Macon, Sangamon and Christian, including the metro area of Springfield.  If interested, please email me at

    • Do you need any in Central Florida

    • Clint,

      Do you have anything in Colorado?

  • if you send me an email - - I can send you a link for signup with groundwork. Let me know.

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