Direct link to REO and BPO companies.

Attached is list of Direct Links to 175 BPO, REO and Asset Management Companies. Some of them may have changed or are no longer in the business. So good luck and wish you much success.Enjoy and share. If you have any experience with any please share it and add comments.Chuck Bukhari


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  • This is quite nice and very professional of you to share this information. I have seen all these companies and various lists. Thank you for sharing!
  • I've applied to most of the companies already, but only one response. Goodman Dean is who I work for now and they are responsive and a great company to work with.
    • How did you apply to Goodman Dean?  I was on their website and there I could not find a link to apply.





  • Thanks Chuck,
    What a generous offering!
  • Remember to add and share your experiences. I would also appreciate it if NO ONE publish this for profit.
  • Thank you for sharing!
  • You are absolutely amazing! What can I say, I added the list to our partners tab....AMAZING! Thank you!
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