it seems a large vendor that has been very popular is "gradually dumping the gator system to Mainstreets into the pan to the fire? We will see- 

I am sure all of you know that the gator system was well....less than ideal for bulk lets hope that 

Joey Singh
Business Development 

1 212 801 2390 Office Ext 888
1 516 881 0126 Direct Operations Floor Line
1 800 931-6122 Fax
1 917 859 4400 Cell    

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  • I'm not sure where or who you are getting your information from, but I just called my BPO contact at Solutionstar, and they are simply switching platforms, as gator had a lot of glitches that caused an issue with the release of bulk orders every month. Agents with Solutionstar will still receive an email asking how many they are able to accept and then bulk orders will be assigned directly to the agent. Pay should remain the same. This has nothing to do with Mainstreet. My Solutionstar login to the bpofulfillment platform is different from the Mainstreet login.

    I still occasionally receive orders from Consolidated Analytics that are for Solutionstar and pay the same as Solutionstar. So yes, they will most likely continue to outsource some orders, but I don't think theres any big dramatic changes here.
    • Thanks for that affirmation....all of the brokers appreciate it....

      • Unlike your unhelpful responses.

  • Hilarious - Main street is even sending out this companies work as a "VPS exteriors..." seem familiar from somewhere?

    So one of FIVE things has happened already or is going to happen: 

    1. The vendor is out sourcing it to Mainstreet and using Mainstreets networks of brokers to complete the BPO

    2. Now Mainstreet has its hand in YOUR pie- (lower prices anyone?) - along the way of having a BPO's coming from this vendor to Mainstreet to you...

    3. Within 30-60 days you will see a DRASTIC reduction in prices for these orders since Mainstreet is one of the best in the business in driving down costs and maintaining quality for their clients and looks like the integration is happening faster than next month...

    4. Sorry folks its like San Francisco AFTER the initial prospectors found out about the gold rush in 1849! No more 100 BPO's orders ( you know what I mean for those of you who benefited)! 

    5. Very likely that you will start off with your Mainstreet que level NOT your OLD vendor que level....

    6. The writing is on the wall like I have always said- Diversify! Apply to a whole slew of vendors! If you don't know who they are give me call...I will let you know....

    Joey Singh
    ATX BPO Inc.
    Business Development 

    1 212 801 2390 Office Ext 888
    1 516 881 0126 Direct Operations Floor Line
    1 800 931-6122 Fax
    1 917 859 4400 Cell      

  • I believe the company in question is Solutionstar. Before the assignment of orders this month, I received an email saying they were switching from the gator platform to bpofulfillment, and I had to go through a sign in process. Then when orders were assigned, they all came in through gator. I am hoping that they ultimately decide to stay with gator, as the form is a 1 page pdf format and soooo easy to use. I can complete an order in 20-30 minutes, tops. I hated the bpofulfillment/Mainstreet platform and stopped working for Mainstreet over a year ago.

    As for the auto capture service, I think it is largely unnecessary, at least for me. It can be hard breaking in to a new company, but most will either auto assign or give agents a preferred status and first crack at accepting orders if they maintain a high performance rating. I have never had an issue. Not to mention that most of these companies strictly prohibit the use of this service. 

    • Thank you, Kimberly, for answering my question!

    • Interesting I was offered the same rate as always. Solutionstar assigns directly so there is no need to capture orders. I always get an email in advance asking how many I am able to accept. I'm not too worried about it.
    • Kimberly - Yes and they are offering the LOWER pricing as well that Mainstreet starts with when sending out their orders 

    • Turbo BPO has automation for BPO Fulfillment, available for agents.

  • Wow looks like the second and third rounds are going to be on Mainstreets Portal at least 35 of our clients have already been called today...and they have been told that maximum daily is 40....Interesting....I will keep you updated as I find more least we won't have to put in those crazy Captcha codes! they will "accept" them for you....

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