10/19/2009-Someone has resigned and is hoping by announcing it on our forums she will regain her "good name and reputation". As she has been known to remove her posts once she has written them I have copied it to my reply below. See below....Has anyone had any luck getting listings from this company, or have they finally run out of Realtors to hustle? I have tried to get a response from this company on several different forums that they were previously discussing their value on a daily basis and have had nothing but anonymous posts suggesting that I have a grudge of some kind with them. Is anyone from ABF still answering questions somewhere? I would be grateful for some input here so that I can either recommend that my agents sign up or tell them to move onto something else.Thanks so much for all of your advice!Vicki

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  • Hi Everyone,

    I have just left a meeting with myself and determined that after following this company for over 5 months, that it is a complete scam. Not one person has ever verified that they have received a listing from this company. I have also not heard from anyone at this company regarding even one of my questions. I had a great time at this meeting and not one person disagreed with me! I am having another meeting next week and inviting the same participant. My best to all of you who have helped expose this company and my prayers are with those responsible for this company as we all know that karma is a B*tch. I adjourned the meeting and deleted all ABF issues from future agendas. Now I will retire to the tiki bar for refreshment, reflect on my good advice and count the money I saved by not signing up with ABF.

    Best Regards,
    • Vicki- You pretty much had suspicions early on with this and unfortunately for those that paid hard earned money out, it looks like you were right. This forum rocks with shared communication about companies and programs. Just imagine how many of us on the forum would have paid not knowing what the others know. ummm...if you get to the tiki bar before I do would you ask them to put a twist of lime in mine :) :)
      • I too love this forum. This is a great way to exchange experiences and information. I hope that we have been able to put enough red flags so that ABF can't continue to rip off another agent. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and encouragement. See you at the tiki bar. Vicki
  • Janisse,
    I am still interested in answers to the questions I asked over a month ago. Quite honestly your letter has done nothing to reassure anyone that you are legitimate. You have ignored the questions I asked on this and several other forums and instead put up a post that is little more than an attempt to discredit someone who has not had a good experience with your company and apparently you personally. Your problems with Patricia Artiglio are of no concern to me. What I would like is some verifiable information from you.
    • I have the distinct feeling that I may as well be talking to myself.
  • Vicki, I would think that after reading all the information that has been going around, that you would probably recommend that your agents go on to something else. However, if you see the other site and sign up with Settleware, you will not need to look back. Great company and people that really know their stuff. Check them out.
  • Hi Vicki,
    I too have been trying to get ABF to respond to me. It's been 4 moinths now and NOTHING!

    Lisa Kelly
    Exit Realty Lakeland
    • Check out my reply under Vicki Smith. This company is closed and they just took the money from the agents and split. Settleware is not the mother company. They are completely separate and very solid and a good deal to do your transactions through. They are not a part of ABF.
      Read my relpy below.
      Pat Artiglio
    • Lisa,
      Have you signed up with them? I haven't I have just asked for clarification on some questions.
      • Hi Vicki,
        I was a part of ABF from the beginning. I have cancelled a month ago, and the reason is the following. It is a total scam. The principals that are involved are out of money and have closed up shop. The principals have several law suits against including a class action suit brought on by many agents. Janese Dale is the CEO, Sherry Applebee is her COO. Cheryl Lattimore is the head of administrators finding agents. And Paul Johnson is running a real estate office called Premier Southland Real Estate Services. If I were you, I would pass this along to as many agents as possible. Megan and Sheryl are just runners for Paul.
        There is no relationship with any Banks, and the site is veritually shut down. You will not be able to get any answer this way. There offices are on Martin Street in Irvine, you will have to go through the above Real Estate name to get this information. Or better yet, here it is; 2302 Martin Street, Irvine, Ca. 92618.
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