I had a prelisting with Saxon and when it was finally transfered to Ocwen, they told me thy had their on agents. They are not friendly at all to agents. They are looking to keep all of the profit. There $40.00 bpos is crazy, and they have 1 agent to handle 500 properties does not make sense.
Altisource is proving to be a nightmare. No one can answer simple questions. I had 3 litton files go to them. They say they are still mine yet nothing on the altisource site or realtrans. I have pushed them for a listing agreement. Nothing at this time. They have become a big player with the purchase of. Litton and Saxon so I hope they become more broker friendly Anyone else having the same issues ?
I'm feeling the pain here too. They changed out all our lockboxes and the codes they've provided don't work. Ugh! I thought they only purchased the Litton. I have one Saxon with Brighton and it doesn't appear they moved that one.
Mark Jenks > Walter DelgadoSeptember 22, 2011 at 8:21am
the lock box codes are in our area a coded lock the address is the code Yes they have also purchased Saxon from JP Morgan good luck MJ
I lost a prelist with Homeq when Altisource/Ocwen bought them out. Spent many months making sure it was secure. Then nothing but a notice to present all bills. I didnt have any monetary bills. Just a lot of weekly monitoring.
Altisource has a 2% referral fee on the listing side..... Minimum comm. 800.00 for listing side. Sellers side 3% paid out. If they sell it themselves thru bulk sales they will pay you a flat 500.00
I'm feeling the pain here too. They changed out all our lockboxes and the codes they've provided don't work. Ugh! I thought they only purchased the Litton. I have one Saxon with Brighton and it doesn't appear they moved that one.
Thanks Justine. Looks like we had several assets that were reassigned prematurely. We got them back though! :)