
    • Thank you for responding Courtney. 


      I'm glad that we have a bright group of agents on these board to help faciliate important concerns such as those mentioned in prior posts.  I went to your site and it seems your business model is around BPOs or is there potential for REO business?  Also, have you identified a roster of corporate clients you will be working with and how long will it take to start seeing business once the initial fee is made?

    • Hi Courtney,


      I have tried to get in toucn with you through your website but, have been unsuccesful so, I will try here and hopefully you will respond.


      REOPro has a BlogTalkRadio show that we are going to start back up here in the next couple weeks and I would love to have you on to discuss your company.


      If this is something that may interest you, please feel free to contact me directly via email at


      thanks and have a good day.

      • mr gonzalez

        please call me at your convience as i would like to discuss some possibilities of affiliate programs/blog talk radio sponcerships, as i am associated with bpo automation group, bpo university, and bpo genius and have been in the business of bpos and reo listings for over 6 years in south florida and georgia.



        305 794-0241

      • Jesse, Please see my email. My partner and I are in meetings all day today and are traveling meeting with clients this week, however if you would give us a few days to discuss and resond it would be appriciated.  Thank you
        • I have emailed your office twice to ask about inventory and agent quantity in my area.  Neither time have I received a response.  Could you contact me?  Tara Nagelhout 541-606-2954, Eugene Oregon
  • I work extensively in the BPO business and I smell fraud....BIGTIME.  Please stay away from any unknown name like this asking for money.  Also, one reply  in favor sounds fishy too.   Lastly, as we all should try to keep our industry safe, I filed a report with the FBI to investigate. In the future, easy to file a report online  with FBI on suspicious emails like this. Let me know if any additional information.
    • I will keep everyone posted as to how this turns out.  Like I said they seem legit to me but I will let everyone know. They stated they should be getting orders within the next few months.  I would say if you aren't comfortable signing up then dont.  But i will say that half the companies we work for these days were un heard of a few years ago and while there are scams out there there are also good opportunities.
      • Yeah, but those companies never charged for the opportunity to get BPOs or listings. I remember when I first started BPOs and was contacted by Clear Capital. They came looking for agents and asked for me to sign up. There was never a charge and the only thing I would have risked to lose was my time, energy or gas completing the order. Turns out they were a legit company and I did many more BPOs for them in the following years. Nowadays you have to many newer companies coming on board with the intention of just making a quick buck off of hopeful and starving agents. It is up to you if your willing to take that chance or not. If you do make sure it is an amount you can live with losing, should they be a scam company.
  • I actually was able speak with the founders today.  After receiving the email I looked them up and found your concerns so I requested a meeting.  They are a new company but to me seem completely legit.  i visted there office and actually addressed some of the issues on here.  Just an FYI  their web space they have now is only a temp page, they are building out a web based work station,  this was their reason for the domain.  After spending some time speaking with them and viewing what they are building out, I am impressed.  I dont believe this is a scam, just a new company.  I signed up with them today and feel confident in my decision.  Just an FYI.
    • If I am not mistaking a domain registration is your web address they would take that with them when the would switch to a workstation, Go Daddy is where you can get a free website, which is what they have, but you also purchase your web address or domain names there. They would have purchased more time if serious....I have several domain names and have purchased each of them for 5 years so I dont have to worry about it. That was a good call by Seb.
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