
      • Jose,

        I wish I would have thought to attach more info. I just tried to cram it all in twitter style!

        Oh well...Im still on the bubble...hopefully I will be crackin the bubbly tonight...

        • this was my third time filling out the application, I didn't get the interview the first 2 times, so I got better at completing the application or they got tired of reading my application every 3 months.
          • That's funny Jose! But hey I will keep at it. I have filled this app out 4 times! I was actually asked this time to fill it out by the service supplier for Freddie and I still didn't get an interview. Oh well i have a lot of business but could always use more. Good luck with your interview knock them out!
  • Got a No. Can't believe it with all of the volume we do and all of the credentials we have....Very disappointing....Guess it just wasn't meant.
    • Wow, that is surprising. I got a "no" too. It ruined my day.

      Almost feel like not going to the conference. Oh well, I will just brush it off. Hopefully later I can convince them otherwise.
  • I am in Maryland and have not heard anything.
    Another agent in my office got a No.
    I hope late response is good news in this case.
  • So if you haven't heard anything by now - which I haven't - then that means no soup for me? Im in Miami by the way.

    Let me ask you, Jose, did you know what the Freddie Mac guidelines were? Do you have a retail shop? And did you use more than two lines to explain why you wanted to work for Freddie?
    • I have some of the answer on a separate sheet, I use 1 paragraph for several of the questions.
    • I heard from an east coast friend that you get a thumbs up or thumbs other words, you will know either way, not just silence. Lets hope there is a lot of soup to go around...
  • I heard some east coast agents had received word...
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