Resume Submission

Well, it is a relaxing Sunday afternoon and, while I should be entering data in Quickbooks from this week's reimbursements, I find myself revamping my REO resume for submission.Every A.M. is looking for something different, I guess, but the hardest part about this resume is that it is always less about how well qualified I am for the job and more about how close in proximity I am to the job. Every website that asks for a portal asks for three main items: coverage areas, years experience, and references. The three least exciting things about our business models!References (historically so boring and space consuming that they are referred to on the end of the one page resume with a note like, "references upon request" or "references on following page") need to be up front and center. Here is the kicker--I feel AWFUL when I call my A.M.s and would rather not call unless a property has burnt down. Using them as references seems like torture. Many of my A.M.s carry 500+ assets and the last thing they need clogging up their work pipeline is a reference request from a competitor asking if they don't mind if I take some time from their assets to take on a couple more. Never mind that time is elastic, nobody wants to share.Years experience in REO seems like it should logically be replaced by number of REOs in the past 12 months. Experience selling REO inventory before the current federal and state guidelines were in place or before REOs were liquidated and managed in web based portals and platforms should be obsolete. Technology capabilities and energy (who hasn't been in the office submitting multiple offers until 3 am?) should be on that resume requirement list somewhere. It just seems that a stodgy Monday through Friday 8-5 shop might not be able to cut it in today's fast paced high tech environment.Coverage areas are necessary, I understand, but a comma dileniated list of zip codes is so unromantic at the top of a business resume--if anyone has found a better way to present that, I would love to hear about it.Well, back to the grind. For all of you who are revamping your resume to read, "Five Star Certified" after last weekend, congratulations to you and I hope you had a great time.
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  • I sympathize as my extensive list of zip codes does not look good. I am also finding that I am being held to a 10 mile radius from my office with many companies. I live 20 miles from the office and in the past got most of my pictures on the way to and from work.

    I also have agents working in various parts of the county that would help me if it was a hectic day, snapping the pics for me and previewing the neighborhoods and then we would work together on the BPO's and that also has been stopped.

    So my BPO submissions have dropped significantly and I don't believe that the banks are getting the full use of services of qualified agents by limiting their radius, it should be at least 20 mile radius in this county, we have a large area to cover. Oh well, that's my two cents worth.

    Sorry I missed you at Five Star I just couldn't afford it this year. Heard it was awesome.
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