Corrections, corrections, CORRECTIONS!!!!

I have read many blogs addressing complaints about BPO companies; BPO companies that don't pay, BPO companies and their low fees, etc but I don't think I have read one about corrections. I really think we should all share our "corrections experiences" simply because corrections are the spice to this stressful BPO business, don't you agree? Corrections make us cry, scream, curse and very often LAUGH.

I will begin by sharing my latest funniest experience and will post some more along the way:

On aerial view I can see that there is a detached structure on the rear east side of the subject. Can you determine what the structure is, check aerial view on all comparables and make the appropriate adjustments?


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  • The oddest one yet to me on two properties, same company during pre listing- the am called and said I need you to lower your bpo price (by a lot) . Now mind you I have never been accused of being to low before in fact just the opposite. So I'm like oooookay. Then they proceeded to tell me what to lower it to... The first one I lowered, we listed and got multi offers on day one, ended up selling above my original suggested price. The second one we haven't listed yet.. Very odd correction in my opinion...

  • Exactly my point, same goes for value variance, if you want me to review the comps used by prior (and take them into consideration) then why do you need my opinion of value for?

  • My biggest complaint is when they tell me my comps aren't good enough. If they know so much, why do they need me?

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