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5111 N Scottsdale Rd #155
Scottsdale, Az 85250
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Finally someone close to my neck of the woods. Please see My Page. Maybe we can help with your REO Properties. WE service both Maricopa and Pinal. We are The Realtors' Right Hand.
I just found this site today from a Home Retention Consultant with Titanium Solutions. I'm the Area Manager for Arizona and hire experienced Realtors to handle Loss Mitigation, BPOs, and REOs, that are sent to us directly from the lender! They pay you for general information and it's a great opportunity to grow your business in your zip code area. We offer Loss Mitigation Assignments where you are asked by the lender to make contact with the home owner before Notice of Default and have the opportunity to list and Short Sale the property. Interested? For more information and to apply, go to: or contact me personally at:
Hope to hear from you soon!